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Receiving SMS statuses

GET /sms/{id}

Where {id} – ID of the entry received from the method /sms/create

GET /sms/reference/{reference}

Where {reference} – message external ID

In the response, a JSON will be received having approximately the following structure:

    "error": "0",
    "msisdn": "380972000000",
    "reference": "12erdgm9",
    "time_in": "2016-01-01 00:00:01",
    "time_sent": "2016-01-01 00:00:02",
    "time_dr": "2016-01-01 00:01:01",
    "status": " delivered ",
    "price": "0.02",
    "currency": "EUR"

If the data contains an error, the response will be returned approximately as follows:

"error":"20","errorDescription":"SMS not found"

For SMS that were created with the key destination = phones, it’s possible to request the expanded statistics:

GET /sms/task/{id}

Where {id} – task_id from the response

In the response, a JSON will be received, having approximately the following structure:

    "error": "0",
    "originator ": "test",
    "body": "test sms",
    "validity": 72,
    "sent": "2",
    "delivered": "1",
    "undeliverable": "1",
    "expired": "0",
    "unknown": "0",
    "totalprice": "0.04",
    "currency": "EUR"

If the data contains an error, the response will be returned approximately as follows:

"error":"30","errorDescription":"Task not found"