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Sending SMS

PUT (POST is also supported) /sms/create

Single SMS creation supported (“destination”:”phone”), mass sending (“destination”:”phones”) and individual sms ((“destination”:”individual”). In the future, the ability to create API mailing lists from the address book will be added (“destination”:”addressbook”).

The payload parameter passed for “destination”:”phone” containing a JSON-encoded array having the following structure:

Sample code:


Endpoint URL:


X-API-KEY: live_qwefqw41234
Content-type: application/json


"originator ":"test",
"body":"test sms", 
"validity": 72,
"msisdn": "380972000000",
"send_time" : "ISO 8601 date"

The following parameters are passed:


  • destination – write in “phone”
  • originator — sender. String up to 16 characters
  • body — Message text. Text.
  • msisdn – phone number to which sms is sent
  • reference — external id sms. A string of up to 32 characters containing /a-zA-Z0-9/


  • validity – SMS validity time (by default – 72 hours). Integer from 1 to 72
  • tariff – tariff number. The default is 0. An integer from 0 to 9
  • send_time – time of sending SMS (for SMS messaging scheduling)

In this case, example of the correct response / Response: 


The task_id parameter is intended for the status request on the entire messaging.

If the data contains an error, a response will be returned approximately as follows:

"errorDescription":"Invalid originator"

For the case destination = individual

"validity": 72,
"body":"test sms1", 
"reference": "12erdgm9"},
"body":"test sms2",
"msisdn": "380972000002",
"reference": "12erdgn0"}
"scheduledDatetime" : "ISO 8601 date"

The following parameters are passed (optional are italicised):

  • destination – write in the meaning of “phone”
  • validity – SMS validity time (by default – 72 hours). Integer from 1 to 72
  • tariff – tariff number. The default is 0. An integer from 0 to 9
  • phones – values array:
  • msisdn – the phone number to which the SMS is sent
  • reference – SMS external ID. String up to 32 characters containing /a-zA-Z0-9/
  • originator – sender. String up to 14 characters
  • body – Message text. Text
  • scheduledDatetime – time of sending SMS (for SMS messaging scheduling).  ISO 8601 date.

In this case, example of the correct response:


The task_id parameter is intended for the status request on the entire messaging.

The task_id parameter is used to request status throughout the mailing list.
If there is an error in the data, a response of approximately this type will be returned:

"errorDescription":"Invalid request payload"