Loans & Banking text message marketing

Bulk texting is beneficial to finance organisation and departments.
Getting started
Dispatch notifications and eliminate frauds
Dispatch notifications and eliminate frauds
Account-related information is critical and always expected. Send credit card payment and deposit confirmations, account balance, loans confirmation, ATM cash withdrawal notifications, and fraudulent alerts, offers for refinancing, or new favorable loans to target clients. SMS is delivered instantly as the transaction is done, or as you dispatch them.
The most straightforward channel
The most straightforward channel
People don’t like to visit banks anymore. Keep customers in the loop with one-time-passwords, and ensure they’re aware about security concerns. Banking SMS reduces human errors and saves costs. Messaging is an effective approach to boost productivity by eliminating unopened emails and missed calls.
We’ll set up account with FREE credit for testing our service
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Money is the main source of stress for all adults: they struggle to make it and then deciding how to save. Bankers, accountants, financial advisors daily manage their clients’ livelihood. Since all banking transactions hold much significance, institutions benefit from their clients’ financial literacy. Meanwhile, when the clients can quickly receive reliable information from financial institutions, their stress is reduced.

This background makes mobile banking SMS an outstanding medium. The last decade demonstrates an impressive uptake of mobile banking. While it is becoming way more mainstream, banking apps have become increasingly complicated and data security engineering has evolved.

People who opt-in for SMS tend to be open to this medium, and when they do, you are free to send them alerts, promotions, and other information. If they’ve indicated this channel as their preferred, this means that over time they will probably use more services you offer and remain loyal to your bank. Text messaging for financial institutions and banks streamlines many processes, and using it means your presence on the channel that matters.

sms financial solutions

Benefits of mobile banking SMS

Financial agencies of all kinds ― banks, credit card, and remittance companies, credit unions, brokerage companies, etc. can notably benefit from SMS financial solutions, along with their customers. The benefits of applying SMS for banking purposes are conditioned by its speed, cost-efficiency, reliability, and unobtrusive nature. Open and response rates and ease of use of text messaging leave email far behind, not to mention snail mail and voice-to-voice calls.

While you know the status of your client’s account, you cannot be sure if their phone is currently not in the roaming. But if you automate messaging with WTC integration into your bank’s CRM, your contacts will be verified by HLR lookup, eliminating sending failures due to phone number status. Together with cutting your staff workload, this will significantly reduce your operating costs.

Below are the most common banking SMS value-added cases:

Automated transaction alerts

You need to send numerous transactional messages in your routine: when funds are transferred, rates are changed, cash flows on the account. With short messaging, you can instantly advise of all of that, send payment reminders, and allow customers to track their account activity. SMS banking services notify recipients of ATM withdrawals, financial deals, or balance alerts. Such notifications empower your customers to self-administer their accounts and to be receptive through texting. Setting up a banking SMS gateway will boost their satisfaction and hence ― your revenue.

Combating fraud

Banks have always been a sweet target for robbers, and modern criminals use stolen card details to buy things online. Last year, such frauds made up £452.6 million in the UK. Automating two-factor authentication (2FA) via SMS deprives the criminal of the opportunity to use stolen data, and gives your customers a reasonable sense of security. Real-time issued one-time passwords and verification codes in SMS marketing for retail have also proven their strength against fraud and theft attempts. The financial marketplaces similarly utilize SMS gateways to send confirmations. You can also send real-time alerts of suspicious or fraudulent activity to the account owner. Thus, customers can shut it down much faster.

Loan and debt management

Debt collection is an integral part of the financial industry. You can instantly advise customers of upcoming or overdue payments or debts in a non-intrusive way, by sending them friendly payment reminders. Debt collection effectiveness grows with SMS banking solutions while defaulting on loan payments is reduced. Likewise, you can inform your client that their loan application has been approved.

Offers and attachments

SMS marketing is a straightforward, yet powerful channel increasing consumer retention and satisfaction. Just like with SMS service for E-commerce, it comes with a personalization feature. At the WTC platform, you can foster clients to keep in touch, solve real-time issues, and promote discounts and new services to thousands of customers with bulk messaging campaigns. Include short links to reports, account overviews, and other important documents into your message for fast access.

SMS templates for finance companies

Create strong connections with your customers in the crucial moments with our universal finance SMS templates.

  1. Hello {username}, your current balance is {amount} and it has fallen below {trigger amount}. Please top-up your account to avoid overdraft fees or contact us on {phone number} for more details. For information about the latest transactions, please log-in to your account {link}. Thank you for choosing {financial institution}.
  2. Greetings {name}! We have just issued an invoice for {service}. The last payment day for this invoice is {date}. If you need to postpone a payment, please contact our client support at {number}. Thank you!
  3. Hey there, {name}, your newly-issued credit card from {financial institution} has been recently posted to you. Kindly note that your PIN has been sent separately. If you will not receive your credit card and/or your PIN by {date}, please contact us at {number}. Thanks for choosing {financial institution}.
  4. Hi {name}, this is an automated alert that {amount} has just been transferred from your account to {recipient}. If this was not you, please contact us immediately. {Bank}
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