Number Cleaning

Cleaning databases of unavailable and inactive numbers ensures increases conversion rates and accurate marketing campaigns
Number Cleaning
Unique mobile subscribers
Mobile connections
Countries allowed
Verify phone numbers and get the most out of SMS campaign
Mass texting requires a special approach, which includes researching recipients beforehand. If you don’t check if a phone number is active, you can spend a lot of money without guaranteeing an effective result.
  • Create database
  • Mailing list
  • Track statistics
Create database
Mailing list
Track statistics

Get the most from the WTC platform

Operator‘s services connected via SlM card and IMSl code (International Mobile Subscriber Identifier)
The presence of prohibitions on the service of the identifier in the cellular network
Mobile phone carrier lookup to define the current mobile network and the original mobile network for every number
Control spends on each HLR campaign. Expense by country, by traffic source, or by a provider in the report
After HLR Lookup your contact database is clear. So you can send SMS only to those customers who can receive it and with proper routing
Connect with the tools you rely on every day
WTC API uses HTTP requests and REST full components for SMS lookup. The access key is prescribed as part of the API authorization. Requests and responses are formatted In JSON using UTF-8 encoding. To use the API you need to create an account, or you can rent an SMS platform for this purpose.
Read API docs
  • PHP
  • Node JS
  • Go
  • Java
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • $apikey = ‘test_8zWaPwOaHDPRFmgIldhl’;
    $api = new WTC($apikey);
    $client = $api->getSmsClient(); //get one of the clients
    $balance = $client->getBalance();
  • var wtc = require( ‘wtc’ )( ‘‘ );

      balance => console.log( “Balance request completed:”, balance ),
      error => console.log( “Balance request failed”, error )
  • //Balance
    var balance = hlrClient.GetBalance()
    var hlrPrices = hlrClient.GetHlrPricesById(9)
  • try (SmsClient smsClient = new SmsClient(“YOUR_API_KEY”)) {
      //Log response
      smsClient.getJerseyClient().register(new LoggingFilter());
      //Sms prices
      PricesData smsPrices = smsClient.getSmsPrices(9);
  • import pprint
    import wtc_restapi as api
    from examples.settings import API_KEY

    client = api.SMSAPI(config={‘api_key’: API_KEY})
    result = client.send(message=api.SMSMessage(body=’test message text’),
    print(‘Result of SMS sending:\n{}’.format(pprint.pformat(result)))
  • pp client.message_create(destination: ‘phone’, originator: ‘SENDER’, body: ‘message text’,
    msisdn: ‘380662341945’, reference: ‘MyReference’)

Frequent questions
What is HLR Lookup?
HLR or Home Location Register is a centralized data system, which contains complete information about the subscribers of all GSM operators. HLR Lookup is widely used by SMS aggregators and mobile operators to check portability of mobile numbers (MNP) in order to improve the routing of SMS traffic.
What is the HLR database?
The HLR register contains information about all GSM network subscribers. It updates automatically every time the mobile operator activates new numbers. Those numbers are stored in the database until they are no longer used. When the system recognizes that phone numbers are no longer available, it removes them from the database. Phone number validation with the HLR database application is completely anonymous. Subscribers, whose numbers are verified by HLR Lookup, will not know about it.
What kind of results can I get?
When you check the status of MNP, you can see the results in just a few seconds. The speed of obtaining information depends on the amount of your traffic launched. It takes up to 10 minutes to check nearly 10 000 numbers and receive the result in CSV format. Working with such a format makes it easier to work with mobile MNP status data for you.
How does HLR work?
In fact, HLR is a single base of operators, where they enter all the information about the connected subscribers, supplementing them with important information. As soon as a new user connects, this is reflected in the database, and on the contrary, when the number is disconnected from service, this information also falls into the information summary.
How to connect HLR of Telegram bot to the system?
To use the HLR Telegram bot service, you need a Live API key. It is generated in the WTC platform. Request help from a technical support manager or a personal manager if you do not know the key.
Go to Telegram and find @WTC_HLR_bot in chats. To start using the bot will prompt you to enter the key.
The Live API key links your Telegram account to the WTC platform. In our system, you can connect several accounts of messenger users to one key.
What is an HLR bot?
This is a Telegram bot developed by our team for one-by-one instant contact verification. You can find out the operator, activity, or roaming for a phone number from a potential lead’s business card. A simple and convenient service for managers to check potential buyers and partners. A marketer, salesperson, or account manager at a meeting can find out the status of any person’s number as needed.
Also, with our help, you can put end-to-end HLR on your website or application. Or check numbers in large arrays through the WTC platform.
How can I embed this on my site?
Just register on the WTC platform, ask our technical support manager or personal manager, and follow the instructions to activate the HLR Bot API. Wait for a confirmation letter by mail and follow the link in it to get a special code that you can embed into your site.
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100 FREE credit for testing Number Cleaning
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